Today also was my Sunday to give the lesson in YW. It was on community service. The young women in my ward are so awesome and teach me more than I will ever teach them.
After church Sean, Jaime, Brynn, Chase, Shea and Ella came over to visit the kitties. Sean just so happens to also be my boss. I get to hang with Jaime a lot with church activities and when she organizes girls night out! We have a lot of fun together and I love their kids!
I then took a little nap and then it was time for me to babysit for Nate and Amber as they went to a wedding of a co-worker. Of course the kids wanted to come to my house and play with the kitties. I had some laundry to fold so after they had enough with the kittens I put them on my
Morgan and Evan love to come to my house and Morgan will often draw me pictures so that she can come over and deliver them! My fridge is beautifully decorated with child art by Morgan.