Saturday, November 29, 2008

And now we have 12

Sister had another litter. This time she had 6! I love them all. She had 4 white ones, 1 orange one and 1 black with orange one. I know I am crazy. I love babies. I don't care what kind. A baby frog, baby worm, baby elephant, baby human, baby dog, baby lizard, baby snake. . . you get the point.

Lady's two kittens are almost ready to go to their new homes (my friend Heather and her family and my friend Stacey and her family). They are my favorite kittens so far. So we have a total of 12 cats in our house. Piglet recently had his manhood removed, so ends the kitten making factory.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I find that I work better and am happier at my job when I like and get along with my co-workers. I have 2 great bosses but my new co-workers can be very lazy and don't seem to want to do anything. They are very demanding of my attention and the only thing they seem to get accomplished in the day is making sure their hair is nice and pretty. They even demand that I get their lunch! I have 4 co-workers and 1 of them has her kids at the office! Yep, I am now working from home. I was worried I would not be disciplined enough but I seem to work more hours now and get a lot more accomplished during the day. I am really liking it actually but I am getting a little stir crazy so I have to make sure and leave the house from time to time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am Proud to be an American!

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! This is a great song to help celebrate click here!

God Bless the USA!